Ender 3 Power Supply Support
This is based a little more off of HanWag's design, although I found the original by jannoke first. I decided I needed one of these as soon as I saw it was a thing. I've had to move my printer a number of times and the power supply always felt as if it was at risk of bending the printer frame if I put too much force against it. I decided to remix this mostly because I didn't care for the aesthetic of the little zig zags in the design pattern. I tried to go with something simple and am happy with what I wound up with. I originally redesigned this with the 45 degree corners, but then changed it since the lines seemed to flow better without the corners completely gone The recessed bolt holes may allow for using the original bolts for the power supply. They were a design afterthought and I haven't try printing either one with the recessed holes. I wanted the extra support for mine, so I'm using a thicker support version (non-recessed holes) with longer bolts. The recessed holes with the offset of the power supply look a little weird to me, but I included them here in case they appeal to someone else. The part slides onto the extruded frame with out too much force but does have a tight clearance and sometimes needs a little bit of wiggling to get it on and off. As mentioned I did need to use a little bit longer screws than stock.. I used two M4x12 bolts (washers optional) to secure the power supply to this support. With the recessed holes I think it should work with the stock bolts (If someone tries one please comment and let me know if I need to adjust them). The power supply feels like it's fastened rock solid now.