Wireless charger mat Guide - Concept
- Simple concept idea how to easily center the phone on the charging pad every time, even in dark - No magnets or special attachments for phone needed - You just need to have camera in the center and case on the phone - Printed piece is made out of TPU and fits right in to the phone's case camera cutout - This one is designed for bamboo qi charging pad from china and Samsung galaxy S9 but you can easily replicate the design for most phones with cameras in the center and smaller charging mats ! !Text like this! @Text like this@ #Text like this# $Text like this$ %Text like this% ^Text like this^ &Text like this& \Text like this\ ;Text like this; _Text like this_ !Text like this @Text like this #Text like this $Text like this %Text like this ^Text like this &Text like this \Text like this ;Text like this _Text like this !excl @atsign #number $dollarsign %percent ^circumflex &ersand \backslash ;semicolon _underscore