DnD Coins - Numbered & Scaled

DnD Coins - Numbered & Scaled


Foreword: All credit to Titanen for creating these models, and thank you to userr3 for numbering many of the initial coin increments! Since coinage in D&D is valued by weight, I wanted to reflect that by having coins of different sizes for each increment. Since playing with literally hundreds of coins is not very practical, I thought scaling along with numbers on the back would be a cool way see the value of a coin at first-glance, and I thought it'd be fun for my players. The size of each coin has been *roughly* calculated based on the real-world density of each element. For example, copper single pieces are just over twice the size of gold single pieces because copper's density is 46% that of gold. Since some of the shapes are weird (those gold coins!), I'm sure it's not a perfect scaling, but it's close enough for table play. After I printed dozens upon dozens of the coins, I marked them up with a hot tool to give them a worn appearance. Otherwise I found they looked a little too "wooden". Then I primed and airbrushed with metallic paint. Forewarning: if you decide to embark on this project, realize what you're getting yourself into! It's a massive tedious undertaking, but well worth it in the end if your group loves props.






