Modular Lay-Flat Cuttlery Organizer
I happened to purchase the same cutlery organizer @JosephNaim modeled. It's been great in the narrow drawers of my kitchen, but ours became a bit overpacked with silverware. I wanted to extend the organizer to the edge of the drawer, and decided the easiest way to do that would be to turn it into a modular system, which I accomplished by slicing up Joe's model. Organizers can be connected end-to-end and/or side-by-side. This was my first attempt at dividing a model into connectable parts: I'm very pleased with the results, but there's definitely room for improvement. * The tolerance on the fasteners is very tight. Be ready to trim down the tips of the pegs. * The fastener style I chose could also probably be improved. * There are some funny gaps that could be filled. They're mostly only visible when the pieces are disassembled, but they're there and annoy me, but I'm too lazy to fix them right now. **Credit to the original designer:** the model this is remixed from was inspired by a "Joseph Joseph" design. I purchased mine from *Bed, Bath & Beyond*: