WabenBox - Hex Box

WabenBox - Hex Box


Building boxes and containers from hexagonal meshes and collecting them here (No more: As I experiment with it I'll add new things one by one.Therefore set it to WIP now) The meshes themselves are created by an parametric openScad file honeycomb_mesh and I combine them to 3d models in freeCad. - The first model is very filigran and breaks if you put to much into it, - the second is 15 cm corner length but when I printed it with 80% I got 12x12 and more robust. This is the one with the small meshes. - A third variant is up now with 120mm corner length, 20mm meshes and 3mm for all the connections. That printed like 9 hours here but is quite stable. It is the blue one. - Fourth: 200x80mm with 94mm height, 21mm meshes and 2mm thickness. It's the one on red, I didn't add corner columns for this one and it looks really odd on the pic (not so much in real). It is a little wobbly over the length of 20cm and it took 7h to print. - Finally getting somewhere with wabenBox_200_80_94_3_21_2, I gave it 3mm width on the connectors but kept them at 2mm height (except for the bottom), also added columns at the corners and it feels safe and stable to hang it at a wall. I put the freeCAD source into the files, it is even partially parametric (but only the cage, you'll still have to resize and position the walls manually). It printed almost 10 hours at 0,3 resolution and (nominally) 130mm/s. One thing that really slows the print are my retraction settings but even so I still get some stringing. - I created a parametric version of this that allows to enter whatever dimensions of a box you want (within certain limits) It is based on the last version of this collection. You find it at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4592207 Have fun, as always comments and makes are welcome






