


Hi, I think like many people it has happened at some point in your CR10s PRO in which, they have broken the duct of the layer fan that brings the printer. They have come across different variants and versions to replace this part. In my case, taking advantage of this situation, and that one of the first modifications I tried to make to my printer, was to replace the fans, with the aim of reducing as much as possible the noise they generate. That includes the layer fan (and the amount of noise is reduced when you replace the printer's fans). To opt for a good noise reduction option especially the layer fan and at the same time look to improve the printer's performance in terms of cooling the print layers. I found myself in the need of placing a 50x15 radial fan. Therefore the original duct and most of the ones you can get there didn't work for me. After experimenting with several options available here in Thingverse, there were 2 versions that I got good results with. So, I decided to make a remix of both of them. I am talking about the excellent duct made by [Carsten Dalgaard]( and the other duct built by [mikedelcastillo]( Basically the Remix that I publish here, from the pieces of the authors that I mentioned before, is a "copy&paste" of the best of both pieces. To achieve a duct that adapts to my needs. I don't really know how to design or elaborate 3D pieces through modeling programs. What little I do control, I do through, so. Possibly this REMIX could be improved a lot more. Anyway, I share it here, in principle to thank the main contribution made by the authors mentioned above and in case it could be useful to any of the users of the CR-10s PRO v1/v2. In the same way, I encourage the most experts modelling 3D pieces, in case they want to correct the imperfections of this model or if they consider that it can be improved. I hope it will be useful to you and that you will enjoy it! PS: - I recently upgraded my printer extruder from Bowden to Direct Drive with the TriangleLab DDE-Lite Direct Drive Extruder-Lite. And I have had the good fortune that this same Duct is also good for that option. So, I am very happy with this accessory!



