Sodastream Dry Ice Refill Funnel
As of this date (August 2020), it doesn't appear that Sodastream is refilling their cartridges. I haven't found any alternatives, but I have known for a long time that people have used dry ice to recharge their own cartridges. In the past, people were doing this just to save a few bucks, and I wasn't interested in spending the time just to save $5. However, now that I can no longer make carbonated water, I am willing to give this a try. You can find dozens of videos of how to do this, but the short version is that you partially unscrew the set screw in order to release any remaining pressure. Then you simply unscrew the brass fitting at the top of the canister, dump in 450 grams of dry ice, reinstall the brass fitting, wait a day for the canister to come up to room temperature, and the install and use as normal. The only issue is how to get the dry ice pieces down through the hole. In all the videos I looked at, the person used a regular funnel which fits down INSIDE the canister opening. This considerably reduces the size of the opening and makes it much harder to get the dry ice to go in. This funnel fits around the outside and thus gives you the entire inner diameter of the opening, making it quite simply to push through the dry ice chips. I included my Fusion 360 3Df file so you can modify the design. It is a parameter-driven model, so if you simply want to make it taller or make the model thicker, you can easily do that.