Modular Ergonomic Stand - Laptop and Book options
This Modular stand is originaly made to help people work on a laptop or read a book while being on a couch/sofa/bed. The goal was to make it cheap, light, with less parts possible and simple. Here is how it works : - loosen the big screw to allow the whole stand to go up or down - take the clip on the telescopic tube off and adjust the width (on mine i made 3 positions with holes going through to block the tubes) - sit back and enjoy - for now there is a laptop support which fit mine, you can use a hairdryer to bend the ends and make it a bit longer/shorter for your laptop. I will work on an adjustable support in the coming days. Aluminium tubes are used and glued in the PLA parts with hot glue. A few nuts here and there glued with "Araldite" or cyano. For the screws you can do it with whatever you have. The whole thing is really stable and holds the weight of a 3kg laptop with no problem, but you definetly may not leaning on it. Everything is in french cause i didn't thought about sharing this project at the begining, ask me for translation if needed. The Pdf "Mise en plan Support Modulaire.pdf" shows the bill materials I designed it on TopSolid, full assembly package is avaible in : "Support V3.TopPkg" Every parts are in .Stl and ready for printing. Almost no work on parts is needed, a few sandings here and there and a few holes to re-drill, which really depends on your printer/filament. You can change the lenght of the tubes to make it a bit longer or shorter. To print everything, you will need around 1 kg of PLA. For the total cost, it's about 20 dollars for PLA and 20 for alumium tubes, maybe 5 for nuts and screws. Feel free to ask questions or to suggest improvements !