Monoprice Select Mini v2 PC4-M6 Bowden Filament Guide for Drybox

Monoprice Select Mini v2 PC4-M6 Bowden Filament Guide for Drybox


<body> I was after a filament guide for my Monoprice Select Mini v2 that I could run some Bowden/PTFE tubing to from a dry box. <br> <br> Drawing on <a href="">m_power's</a> and <a href="">EdventureTime's</a> filament guides, I designed this for use with a PC4-M6 pneumatic fitting. <br> <br> There are two variants: one for a MK8 style extruder and one for the stock Select Mini v2 extruder. <br> <br> The MK8 variant is designed on the basis of 9mm from the top of the Mini's case to the centre of the filament hole on the extruder. This is based on a Creality MK8 extruder directly mounted to Mini's case per the photos. If you use a spacer or a different brand of extruder, you may need the stock variant or to modify the design. <br> <br> The stock variant assumes 12mm; this is based on measurements, but I no longer have the stock extruder installed to test. <br> <br> There are some very small supports when printing. <br> <br> With the current design, the PC4-M6 fitting needs to tap a thread when it is screwed in, so make sure it is straight when screwing it in. <br> <br> I have included the Fusion 360 files for anyone that wants to tinker. <br> <br> Enjoy! <br> <br> </body>



