Mount for BTT Filament Runout Sensor (Ender 3)

Mount for BTT Filament Runout Sensor (Ender 3)


A handy mount to position the Bigtreetech filament runout sensor at the input of the extruder. By positioning the sensor before the extruder, a break or filament runout, will be detected before the extruder looses contact with the filament. Thereby allowing for the filament to be unloaded automatically. Additionally, having the sensor before the extruder reduces the impact that the sensor has on extrusion quality. If the sensor was after the extruder, and connected to the Bowden tube, then there would be a longer extrusion length. Which could affect retraction and extrusion settings. The mount has been designed as stiff as possible. It only requires the reuse of just one of the screws holding the z-rod bushing in place. By only using one screw the impact on your dialed in alignment is minimized. However the screw is necessary to hold the sensor securely in place. NEW FILE ADDED: The new file FRM_8mm raise contains the same part but with the mounting holes moved up 8mm. This is to accommodate the dual extruder found here Reach out if you have any questions or need any modifications.



