Copperhead hotend mount for Ender 3 v1.2 with BL touch mount

Copperhead hotend mount for Ender 3 v1.2 with BL touch mount


I acquired Slice Engineering's new copperhead hot end from Matter Hackers recently and decided to adapt it to my Ender 3 printer. I haven't changed Marlin to print at higher temperatures yet but I've been using the hotend to print PETG for a couple of days. Prints do seem to be very good quality. I have been curious if a copper heat block combined with Slice engineering's heat break would make for smoother prints. I oriented the heat sink fan to blow parallel to the X axis of the printer. I've used various hot end carriages to adapt a V6 hot end in the past and it always seems the heat sink fan is blowing against the carriage and blocking air flow. Hopefully this design will mitigate any heat creep problems going forward. "Heat creep" is probably going to be the name of my future ska band. edit 9/5/202: I remixed the design to allow for a more robust attachment of the radial part cooler fan. I also printed out of regular white PETG. After a couple of weeks and several prints I'm happy to report that the copperhead seems to print very clean. I usually find PETG to be very stringy and difficult to print but the copperhead design seems to be much less prone to print artifacts. Heat creep has long been a problem I've fought with various hot ends but I have to say the copperhead seems to not suffer at all from that issue. I'll work on a BL touch remix next. I'll do future remixes to add BLtouch, and adapt the design to other printers if there is interest. edit 9/11/2020: I added a BLtouch mount to the carriage, right of the hot end. I had to play around with the height to get it right but on my Ender 3 using an SKR mini V2 board it seems to work correctly. I tested with a BLtouch v3.1 so your mileage may vary. On this edit I included 3D step and F3d files in case anyone wants to remix.



