Factorio Anti-Productivity Module Fidget Toy

Factorio Anti-Productivity Module Fidget Toy


Before you consider making this I compiled a list of required parts in order to assemble the fidget module changing the size of the model will completely mess up the tolerances so i would recommend against it. If you would like a bigger version let me know and I can edit the original file Required parts: 6mm tactile buttons (clicky) 1.75mm filament Super glue I made it fit these squishy buttons: https://www.adafruit.com/product/3101 For a quieter button Use the TALL buttons for the squishy switches Assembly is pretty simple. I included holes for locating pins insert some 1.75mm filament and trim it down to line things up. Doesn't need any supports there is sacrificial bridging for the holes in the rocker switch simply jab flush cutters into the middle and it should find the hole to open it up. Once both sides are reamed open use 1.75mm filament with ~1mm on each side of the switch piece to trap it inside once assembled You many need to use an emery board to get the pieces to not be so snug since the tolerances are tight. The little slide piece usually needs a little sanding If you encounter any problems with the model please let me know!







Toys & Games