T-Square with Inking Edge

T-Square with Inking Edge


My first build! Yay! What sets this apart from other Thingiverse T-squares is the inclusion of an inking edge. This creates a better feel while gliding your pencil across and makes marking more accurate. The size is to fit the print bed of our New Matter Mod-T. Should easily be scaled in your slicer software to fit your print area. Print upside down to reduce how many supports are needed. It's not advised to print vertically because the bumps created by the 3d layering. It will create unwanted texture on the edge. However, if someone wants to try this, they should print with a layer height of 0.1 or finer. I printed it with 25% infill, and it's quite strong, but could probably be made with less. My print had an issue in the t-head where the straight edge protrudes out. I don't know if the issue is the model or Cura or my printer. It doesn't affect performance.







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