JFJ Easy Pro Disk Spacer (Gamecube & Standard)

JFJ Easy Pro Disk Spacer (Gamecube & Standard)


Don't throw out your worn buffing pads until you can fully utilize them! This Model allows you to bump the Disk you're trying to repair further away from the disk mounting plate in order for you to take advantage of your worn buffing pads. Your mileage may vary. Not tested on all types of disks. If this got you out of a jam, allowed you to repair while waiting for new pads, or just straight up saved you money on pads, please consider a tip :) Enjoy! * * * ###Installation & Use Installing on your EasyPro should be simple! just don't jam it on there or you risk breaking the disk stabilizer on the center of the spacer. Thread the spacer onto the spindle as if your screwing on the nut. once the spacer is past the threads, it should sit snug in place. To remove spacer, reverse process. When placing a disk on your disk spacer, before threading the nut; ensure the disk is sitting in its proper place on the center of the spacer. There is stabilizer which the disk should sit into, This is because the nut spindle is slightly smaller than the center hole of the disk. Not sitting properly in its stabilizer = broken disk, and possibly broken machine. Do not use with sanding discs, as these do not wear down like buffing pads do.






