Cyberfemme Valkyrie With Machine Pistol and Energy Shield
The few brave enough to stand against them call them the Angels of Death. The few who have seen them up close say their very armor is woven with the fate of men. Those who revere them call them Choosers of the Slain, an elite force of assault troopers who follow the direction of a powerful, enigmatic leader known only as The Vanadis. Contained herein, you will find one such Valkyrie which you can download and print to hunt and slay your enemies on the tabletop. The other four are available through my store at, or you can get them for free if you join my Patreon ( If you like my work and want to see (and print) more of it, please consider supporting me on Patreon through the link above. All of my 3D printable releases are printed before release to insure that they print well even on a low-end printer like my Ender 3.