Seneca Aspen and Avenger .25 Rotary Magazine cover to allow longer ammo may work with 117 or 22
***USE AT YOUR OWN RISK*** Clean up any stringing or debris from printing before using. You don't want little scraps of plastic to mess things up. This is a cover plate for the magazine that has a groove cut in it to allow for longer pellets to fit in the magazine. I have used it to shoot a few rounds of Seneca hunting pellet .25 cal 43.2 grains. It hasn't had extensive testing but it is working well for me. The total height of it plus the cartridge below should be around 15 to 15.25 mm and should fit in fine. Mine measures a little under 15mm total and it works. I use a raft to make sure any issues with first layer flow rate, bed lheight and level are resolved before it starts printing the actual piece. To use this, remove the screw from the middle of the cartridge being careful not to let the piece inside pop out if it does follow the video below in the misc notes section. I'm not in anyway affiliated with this youtuber. It is a different manufacturer but the magazine is similar (heck this might even work with those magazines but I don't have one to test. I've only tested with the Avenger but since the magazine is the same for the products listed I put them in the title as well. Also, note that on youtube there are instructions for making the grove on the bottom plastic deeper by using a dremel or similar tool. I found that a bit too much work, but if there are some super long pellets that won't work with this mod, nothing says you couldn't do that as well. I just found it easier to make this than to mess with a dremel type tool I've tested this on my .25 cal Air venturi Avenger, my settings are low at around 1200psi so not sure how it would hold up with stock. I don't think it matters, but I want to make sure people are aware it has little testing and I take no responsibility for it damaging or jamming your equipment, or any thing else that might happen by using it. You take your safety in your own hands. While the design of the cartridge mechanism seems to make this look like it should be safe, I can not be liable. Also, make sure to clean up any strings or debris from printing so it doesn't get in your rifle.