TachyonV3 Sensor Inner Barrel Mount (MP5 Swordfish)
I designed this to use the TachyonV3 and its BB sensor for the ammo counter on my custom Airsoft MP5 Swordfish. The sensor mount the TachyonV3 ships with only fits standard outer barrels, but since my airsoft doesnt even have an exposed barrel, I made this. The housing snugly fits into the frontmost part of the swordfish kit and is slim enough to fit between the sideplates. It slides onto the inner barrel directly. The cables have to be flattened to fit under the sidecovers. The inner square ring insert pops into the housing and protects the sensor from the inner barrel and makes the ir beam tighter, leading to better measurment accuracy. It is not needed, but recommended. The last part is a 1:1 scale model of the sensor, so you can test if you sanded your print enough (the sensor file is a bit too streamlined compared to the original, which has a couple of spikier parts that tend to get caught in the housing even if the 3d printed sensor fits in. be careful with it). Get the TachyonV3 here: https://tachyonelectronics.com/Tachyon Files for the MP5 Swordfish kit: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3311502