Kettle Whistle

Kettle Whistle


The whistle on my iKea kettle broke off many years ago and I thought I would try making a whistle for it. Searching on the internet, I found a design where it's made up of 2 flat discs with holes in the centre. I was intrigue with the design and tried to emulate it using OpenScad, careful to design it such that no supports are required. I found the melting point of PLA a bit too low. The whistle became soft and could be deformed. Best to print it in ABS. I made the walls a bit more sturdy to be able to withstand the heat. I've included the "threads.scad" library for convenience. Be sure to put it in the libraries directory. <drv>:\Program Files\OpenSCAD-2019.05-x86-64\libraries The spout of your kettle is going to be different from mine. Measure the diameter using a vernier calibers and specify it via the variable "SpoutDiam". Example of the Kettle Whistle at work:



