Carpet Wars: Kingdoms
<h1>Carpet Wars: Kingdoms</h1> Get updated on <a href="" target=”_blank” title="CarpetWarsGames">Facebook</a>. __________________ <b>Introduction</b> Carpet Wars: Kingdoms is a battle that takes place directly at home on your living room floor. The game is competitive and fun for young kids, big kids and childish souls. You can play with as many players as the space allows. Several in the same kingdom, or several kingdoms against or with each other. In the basic release, one has a catapult available, a castle, a pinetree, a knight and a king. Later, more siege engines, buildings and defenses will be added to the game. They will be found in separate links, as additional updates. There will be a link here in the description and on the Facebook page. This is only the basic game. ________________________________________________ <b>How to print and needed</b> <u>!!! All files for printing, are placed in ZIP-packages inside the download !!!</u> <u>Castle</u> It's pretty easy and straightforward. Print the parts with 10-20% infill and a few walls. It may be necessary to grind parts, as the parts must not be tight. Not too lose either. It depends on the print settings whether it deviates slightly from the dimensions. Print 1-2 holders for the defense parts and the castle. The defense should be easy to overthrow. <u>Catapult</u> Pretty straight forward too. It may be necessary to use a bolt and a nut, for the trigger mechanism. Or print the split with higher infill. Instead of printing the ammunition, you can create tight balls of tinfoil. Approx. 2 cm in diameter. Make them as round as possible. Otherwise, it's hard to shoot straight. Paper balls may not be heavy enough, but you can try. None of it requires support. ____________________________________ <b>Assembly instructions</b> <u>Castle</u> Put the castle frame on a table, with the lattice against the table top. Turn the pieces upside down so that the letters and numbers are visible. It all has to be seen from the back. L = left R = right C = center D = door The numbers are in order from the bottom up. Place the pieces and make sure they are placed properly in the frame. Carefully lift the frame in one side, or gently push the frame over the edge of the table. Mount the holder on the side of the frame. Lift it all while still lying horizontally to where your castle is to be placed. Carefully raise the entire frame and place it. <u>Catapult</u> Nothing special needed, other than a rubberband. The picture shows how it's assembled. Glue and/or grinding might be needed, if dimensions varies due to different printer settings. ________________________________ <b>Game rules</b> You can make your own rules, but here are some options for a set of rules. You can play with one or more sets. The defender sets up the castle in the middle of the floor. With the possibility of a few meters distance to the attacker's weapon. Test the shooting distance beforehand. The defender sets up defense in front of the castle, with a minimum distance of 15 cm to the castle. The king is placed behind the castle gates, at a distance of 10-15 cm. The attacker must now try to kill (overthrow) the king behind the walls. Either by hitting him with the bricks or hitting him directly. * With 1 set, one will be the attacker and the other the defender. Here you can choose a certain number of shots that you have before the king must be overthrown. Og count points* * With several sets, you each set up your castle and your defenses. Here you place your weapons next to your own castle. Then you take turns firing, a pre-agreed number of shots. First to kill the opponents king, will be the winner. <u>Optional advanced set of rules</u> Here you play up points so that the one who overthrows the king is not necessarily the winner of the kingdom. You then play best out of several pre-agreed games. That way, you may have to build up more points before overthrowing the king. *Example: 1 defence = 1 points 1 tile = 1 points 1 gate tile = 2 points King = 10 points (This set of rules will be easier when more weapons and more defense will be added later) <u>Alternative advanced rules</u> If the king is too hard to hit, one can agree a number of rounds, with an agreed number of shots per round. The one with the most points has won. <b>LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!</b> ________________________________________ ________________________________________