Shop Towel Holder

Shop Towel Holder


I wanted somewhere to put a few extra rolls of shop towels so that when I run out, I have some at the ready. I took the fantastic spray can holder by Mostlighting, scaled it up, and then cut off the mounting piece, and instead put a couple holes for screws right through the body. There seemed to be too much flex with the original mount, and this way seemed sturdier. Just like the original spray can holder, you should be able to print as many of these as you want, and chain them together. Note that I used these with the "Scott" brand shop towels which are a normal sized roll, and the size I've seen most commonly for shop towels. For normal paper towels you quite often see oversized rolls. These would not fit in this holder. I also recommend you keep the rolls in the packaging until you're ready to use them. It not only keeps them clean and dry, but the rolls expand a bit when removed from the packaging and may not fit in the holder as nicely.






