Ender 5 Micro Swiss Direct Drive PC4-M10 Coupler Drybox Connector

Ender 5 Micro Swiss Direct Drive PC4-M10 Coupler Drybox Connector


<body>I wanted a way to connect my drybox to my Ender 5 Pro's Micro Swiss Direct Drive extruder setup with Bowden / PTFE tubing, without running one super-long tube. The benefit of this is that it provides some support and strain relief while making it easy to switch the drybox side between various filaments. <br> <br> I did not find any designs that really worked for my setup, but I liked the general design of the <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3595328">Ender 5 Extruder Arm</a> by IamSLy. Its placement on the Ender 5's frame and general height was about right, plus it has in-built cable management and was sturdy enough to deal with any forces being exerted on the PTFE tubing as the hot end assembly moves back and forth and side to side. <br> <br> Using that as a base, I designed a new top piece that could be screwed onto it, which has PC4-M10 pneumatic connectors on either side. For this, I remixed the <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4552797">New Angled Coupler for PTFE Tubing [PC4-M10]</a> by Xuis. <br> <br> To complete this, you will need: <ul> <li>2 x PC4-M10 pneumatic connectors <li>2 x M3 screws of around 10-12mm </ul> If you have any problems with filament passing from one side to the other, make sure that the PC4-M10 connectors are sufficiently screwed in and that the PTFE tube is pressed all the way into the coupler. If you are still having issues, make sure that any residual plastic from the supports is not fouling the small pass through hole that sits between the two PC4-M10 connectors. <br> <br> I have also uploaded the Fusion 360 file for anyone that wants to tinker. <br> <br> Enjoy! <br> <br> </body>



