Foxeer Toothless 2 Micro 19 mm to 24 mm Adapter Frame

Foxeer Toothless 2 Micro 19 mm to 24 mm Adapter Frame


This will allow to install a 19 mm wide Foxeer Toothless 2 Micro FPV camera in a frame with a mounting width of 24 mm. The camera is screwed into the frame with two of the supplied M2 screws. Then the frame is mounted into the drone frame with either four or two M2 screws -- depending on the file you choose to print. Before putting in the camera make sure to press in the two/four M2 nuts from the inside and all the way to the end of the hole. The length of the M2 screws holding the camera frame from the outside, depends on the thickness of the frame or mounting part. Make sure not to take too long screws to prevent damaging the camera casing, maybe use washers to adjust.







R/C Vehicles
