balanced piston camber preserving control arms

balanced piston camber preserving control arms


8/31 Removed v2 and uploaded V3, added 35 & 45 MM piston rod EXPERIMENTAL PARTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE! One of the biggest weaknesses in the RC world in terms of handling is the camber changes experienced when the vehicle is in motion, I have taken steps to correct that. These are spring loaded variable length upper control arms that will help maintain camber when turning and driving conditions which will aid in roll over situations as the tire will maintain proper camber Print is slightly complicated Print them orientated vertically with supports and Brim to insure adhesion with smaller parts recommend lubricating inside of piston assembly and properly cleaning all edges of moving parts to prevent binding TWO equally sized springs will be required for balancing each side of piston shaft Will post spring size recommendations once i have them, ID of at least 4.5 mm will be required approximate 10-12 mm long each.







R/C Vehicles