Plague Plaque - a COVID-19 Quarantine Sign
When we learned that we were living in Stephen King's *"the Stand,"* I draped a chain across the doors of my shop and placed a cardboard sign on it telling people to stay behind the chain. You know, back when we were all told that lockdowns, mask orders and so-called social distancing would only last a few weeks? Well, here we are months later and we're still being lied to, I mean informed by politicians that giving up our freedoms in the name of perceived securities is "the right thing to do" - nevermind what Benjamin Franklin had to say on that subject. But anyway... I digress. Since this crap has gone on longer than imagined, my little cardboard sign ain't doing so well. I think it may have COVID. So I am putting it out to pasture and replacing it with this shiny new, four-color 3d printed plaque. A plague plaque, if you will. lol... The letters are designed to have a highlight (yellow if you follow my recommendations) and a shadow (black as per my colors choices). These are subtle, but they are there. My yellow may have been a bit too bright. A slightly darker yellow will stand out more against the pure white background and be a tad more obvious. This is being presented in two versions - one with holes for hanging with hooks and one without holes for hanging with double-sided tape. Either way, for best results, I recommend the following print settings and layer changes: Using a 0.4mm nozzle printing at a 0.2mm layer height, pause and change colors at these layers (assuming your slicer starts counting layers at 0): * layer 00 - white * layer 10 - yellow * layer 14 - black * layer 16 - green --- **NOTE** *Due to either a Thingiverse bug or (more likely) shadowbanning, my models no longer show up under the [Newest] listings. If you want to see more of my models, please be sure to 'follow' me. **If you print this, it would really help if you'd post a 'make' so that others could find this model**.*