Ender 3 V2 Raspberry Pi Mount + Display Mount (left side)

Ender 3 V2 Raspberry Pi Mount + Display Mount (left side)


I have designed a mount for an existing [Raspberry Pi case by ender1968] (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3256773) to mount the LCD mount I recommend you use superglue to glue the feet in and then use some thin double sided tape ( I used tesa brand) to mount onto the Pi case so you can access the Pi case for fan mounting etc. You will need to print 4 feet for this. In the pictures you will see my original prototype for the case, note I have adjusted all the parts since then for good fitment as the originally the LCD would hit the z endstop frame so I have shifted everything to the left more and also I have adjusted left rail that holds the screen more to the left as I mistakenly placed too far right, I had to use a hot knife to make it chooch



