DOBLOXY™ - Innovative blocks for children and adults. No restrictions, no unnecessary instructions.

DOBLOXY™ - Innovative blocks for children and adults. No restrictions, no unnecessary instructions.


<b>DOBLOXY</b>™ is the trade name for <b>Pankowski's Blocks™</b> I am Daniel J.Pankowski and I've created <b>DOBLOXY</b>™ blocks. - <b>DOBLOXY</b>™ were created with 3D printing in mind. You can print them with any printer.. - Innovative joining system without the use of force. That sytem make possibility the printing without high precision and get the blocks easy fit . - Universal. to any age group. - Helpful in education, therapy and rehabilitation. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> The provided set is a basic set of blocks (City Basic). After printing, the parts should overlap each other loosely. To demolish the structure, a blow with the hand is enough (Godzilla effect :)) Rapid print of <b>DOBLOXY</b>™ blocks: - PLA material, - external blocks (facade with doors and windows). Without filling, layer height 0.3. - other blocks. Filling 10%, layer height 0.3. <b>If you like the project, please make a donation for project development. In return, I offer gifts. More details on Project Website.</b> <b>Donation link</b> <a rel="nofollow" href="" title="Donate with PayPal"><img src="" alt="Donate with PayPal"></a> If you would like to join the <b>DOBLOXY</b>™ team of designers and producers that will soon be formed, please visit the project website for more information. Coming soon... work is underway on.. - additions to the Basic City - City Premium (possibility of building bridges, highways, etc.) - City of tommorow - medieval castle and settlement - hanging cities Blocks from every set can be combined each other to create even more varied structures. The <b>DOBLOXY</b>™ City Basic set has been released for free under the CC BY-NC-ND license. The patterns of <b>DOBLOXY</b>™ blocks are protected as registered utility models, international copyright and other intellectual property laws. -------------------------------------------- Update.. 09/13/2020 New transition blocks (PB-BLO...._v4, PB-POD..._v4) and internal block (PB-WEW..._v4). Smoother prints. -------------------------------------------



