Replica of Grenadier Dwellers Below 2012A Miniature
This is a replica of figure A from the box "Dwellers Below", number 2012 from Grenadier (see ) Reproduced using The Rust Monster first appeared in (Orignal) Dungeons and Dragons Supplement I: Greyhawk in 1975. It was based on a small plastic toy that Gary Gygax found in a bag of small plastic monsters made in Hong Kong. In the original box, the Rust Monster arrived as a 2-piece model that required assembly. I did not disassemble my original in order to scan it. This model was a pain to generate. The original is poorly weighted, so it always leans back on its tail. This created a hole in the bottom of the tail when I scanned it, which I had to fill in. It also meant that I couldn't use the base of the scan to coincide with the build plate, so I had to do a lot of work on the bottom of the model as well. The result is a model that stands on its feet better than the original.