Android Netrunner click tracker

Android Netrunner click tracker


A click tracker with 4 buttons and 4 leds, gives that sweet "click" sound. see it in action: Requires an Arduino micro or similar, I used a Pololu A-Star* 328PB Micro, the cheapest compatible device I could find. The design uses a lot of specific dimensions for components I had, such as battery terminal at the bottom and exact holes for jumper cables, so you may need to adapt it. Print the click icon 7 times and the draw icon once, in transparent filament to diffuse the leds. Glue these into the top, which folds nicely in two 60degree angles. (at .2mm layer height, they are connected by a single layer of filament). Once you've confirmed to circuit to be working, put everything in its place and assemble with hot glue. Battery pack is still accessible Arduino code: ` const int buttonPin[] = {2,3,4,5};` ` const int ledPin[] = {6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13}; //first 4 for blue, last 4 for red` ` // variables will change:` ` int buttonState[] = {0,0,0,0};` ` int playerTurn = 0;` ` int endTurn = false;` ` void setup() {` ` for(int p=0; p<4; p++){` ` pinMode(ledPin[p], OUTPUT); //4 blue leds` ` pinMode(ledPin[p+4], OUTPUT);//4 red leds` ` pinMode(buttonPin[p], INPUT_PULLUP);//4 buttons` ` }` ` }` ` void loop() {` ` endTurn = true;` ` for(int p=0; p<4; p++){` ` buttonState[p] = digitalRead(buttonPin[p]);` ` if (buttonState[p] == playerTurn) { ` ` digitalWrite(ledPin[p+4*playerTurn], 0);` ` } else {` ` digitalWrite(ledPin[p+4*playerTurn], 1);` ` endTurn = false;` ` }` ` }` ` //if all buttons have been pressed by the current player, go to the next player` ` if(endTurn){` ` playerTurn = 1 - playerTurn;` ` //should not have to turn leds on or off,` ` //current player leds are all off, otherwise endTurn would be false,` ` //other player leds are going to turn on in the next loop.` ` }` ` }` Card draw icon adapted from: Click icon is property of Fantasy Flight Games.



