3D printed Arduino FPV RC Tracked Car With Controller
This is an excellent project that combine the knowledge of 3D printing, Arduino, and FPV (First Person View) camera. It is a great beginners project for anyone interested in making their own RC tracked car, or just want to use 3D printing, Arduino, and FPV for their own creations. Basically, it is a little exploration rover. Step by step video guides of making this project is provided at my Instructable: [https://www.instructables.com/id/3D-Printed-Arduino-FPV-RC-Tracked-Car-With-Control/](https://www.instructables.com/id/3D-Printed-Arduino-FPV-RC-Tracked-Car-With-Control/) List of parts needed to be printed for the tracked car: 1 x Top Chassis 1 x Bottom Chassis 1 x Radio Cover 1 x Top FPV Case 1 x Bottom FPV Case 2 x Track or Track (flat) 2 x Drive Gear 2 x Chain Gear 4 x Roller List of parts needed to be printed for the controller: 1 x RC Controller Top Case 1 x RC Controller Bottom Case 2 x Potentiometer Cover When printing the FPV cases, the material has to be ABS do not use PLA, because when the FPV camera is on it will heat up (yes that is normal). The temperature is high enough to warp PLA. Only ABS has the temperature stability to handle it. Use the material PLA for the rest of the prints. When printing the Track or Track (flat) make sure to orientate the part so the hinges are facing up (check the picture above) and print it without support. Once the part is printed and removed from the 3D printer, apply some force to loosen the hinges. If you have trouble printing the Track I have the individual chain of the track available for download as well. Remember there are 20 chains for one track and it is designed to be printed in one print. Do not print individual chains and try to assemble them because it is not going to work. Please make adjustments in a CAD program like Fusion360 then print it. The RC Controller Top Case and RC Controller Bottom Case can be printed on a 45 degree angle (check the picture above). Support structure is needed for both prints. Also, Support structure is needed for Top Chassis and Bottom Chassis. The rest of the prints should not need support when correctly orientated. https://youtu.be/2FZW4wlFTsQ