MyTier V1 IOT Box replacement
A drop in replacement for the IOT box MyTier electric kick scooter. Made this because I got fed up with the unreliable App and the high pitch screeching of the activity LED in the scooter I also decided to rebuild everything in the scooter with my own electronics, aswell as locking and unlocking with RFID tags. One or more Arduino Nano's will fit nicely. (Hint: I highly recommend to use an Arduino "Nano Every" if you end up using the VESC library in combination with an OLED display. The regular Nano's 2kB of RAM won't be able to perform the task!) Two printable versions are available: - The whole box as one piece (will use a lot of support material) - The box "cut" in two pieces (saves Filament, but needs to be glued together using Epoxy) The box itself gets mounted in place using the existing mounting holes in the steering rod, two M4x20 screws, washers and nuts. The Front cover is held on using six M3x15 screws with washers and threaded inserts that can be heated up and pressed into the mounting holes of the box. (threaded inserts can be found here: )