Modern geometric Succulent plant pot
I designed three geometric plant pots for some succulents. In addition, I created an inside pot for each planter with some holes in their bottom and a little offset from the ground so that excess water can escape. They were designed to fit small succulents and have an inside width of ~60 to ~65 mm. They are all around the same hight (roughly 60mm from the ground). They could be printed bigger and if you do not want to use the second inside pot you could make a hole in the bottom for releasing any excess water. I would love to see your prints, so if you make one be sure to post a picture under makes. If you like my designs or have any question leave a comment and maybe consider a little tip. ***Update*** I added a stl file for the base. Mine is made of concrete and not 3d printed, but I modeled it anyway to look how the planters would look on it. It is about 260 mm long so maybe you have to scale it down a little nit to make it fit on your print bed. The use for commercial purposes is prohibited. Please note the selected license.