OwO Pumpkin - Powompkin

OwO Pumpkin - Powompkin


When your in your printing menu, you might have to fix the pumpkin to face upwards instead of facing the ground. Sorry about that. Also, there might have to be some clean up when the product is done printing due to some of the platforms not having support like the W would have some flakes due to not having support. If you dont like cleaning the flakes up, please consider using the support brackets on your printer. Thank you and sorry again :( Puwumpkin out now! https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4597194 Happy fall! --- Update 9/12/2020 I've renamed the old file to "Powompkin - Without Support Brackets" because it would produce it's own thick brackets. I have added a new file that's called "Powompkin - With Support Brackets". This produces thin brackets that hold up the upper W and also a bracket that holds the O's too. If the item doesn't work there's always the Powompkin Without Support Brackets option for a failsafe. Thanks!






