Tronxy x5sa-400 3-Z Upgrade Including Stepper Mount and Leadscrew Adapters **V2**

Tronxy x5sa-400 3-Z Upgrade Including Stepper Mount and Leadscrew Adapters **V2**


This is version 2 of my original 3 z stepper motor tronxy x5sa-400 design. I'm leaving the old one up because I suspect it will also work on the plain x5sa. This one will not. You will also need the leadscrew and bearing adapters from the original. Also, please read the original instructions, they are not duplicated here. The issue I had with the original is that it's terribly hard to get 3 rods and 3 leadscrews exactly parallel, and if you don't, the bed will wobble. It's also an issue with the original tronxy design. So I designed some thin plates that will sit in the extrusions and help align all the rods. The side with two 8mm rods went in perfectly, and I measured 101.10mm at both the top and the bottom between the 8mm rod and the side extrusion. That's far better than I had expected. The other side with two steppers and one 8mm rod has to be manually aligned, but I was able to get it within 0.05mm which is good enough for me. Assembly is a bit of a pain, I clamped a piece of 1x4 (trim lumber) to the frame to hold up the bed, and detached the piece of the bed frame that the leadscrews and the rod go through. The assembly needs to go in all at once, and washers should go on both ends of the 8mm rods (there is a pocket for them). One 8mm rod will not be screwed in from the ends (unless you want to drill), so I have included an extra brace you can use if desired to add thickness. Both original metal stepper mounts need to be moved to the dual motor side. The bottom piece will fit over the ends of the stepper mounts. 4Mx12 screws and washers are suggested. 4Mx8 may work for you in some places. If you use the brace, you will need longer ones, possibly 4Mx16 or 4Mx20. Freecad design files included. Original:



