CR-10 Mini Nozzle Purge with Microswiss Direct Drive

CR-10 Mini Nozzle Purge with Microswiss Direct Drive


Here is a Purge container for the CR-10 Mini. This will only work with a Microswiss Direct Drive. The wiper is made from a cut piece of a silicone cover from a heater block. Below is the start Gcode that I use for Cura. I placed it between G28 and G29. G28 ;Home M211 S0; turn off software stops G0 X330 F6000 ;send to the purge tank G91; Relative M83; Extruder relative G1 E50 F300; Purge 50mm G1 E-10 F300; Retact back 10mm M82; Extruder absolute G90; absolute G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 1 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 2 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 3 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 4 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 5 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 6 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 7 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 8 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 9 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 10 M211 S1; turn on software stops G29;level Below is the start Gcode that I'm using for Canvas slicer. It is also placed between G28 and G29. G28 ;Home M211 S0; turn off software stops G0 X330 F6000 ;send to the purge tank G91; Relative M83; Extruder relative G1 E10 F300; Purge 10mm G1 E-10 F300; Retact back 10mm M82; Extruder absolute G90; absolute G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 1 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 2 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 3 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 4 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 5 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 6 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 7 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 8 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 9 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 10 M211 S1; turn on software stops G29;level Below is my "before side transitioning" Gcode in Canvas Slicer. M211 S0; turn off software stops G91; switch to relitive moves to raise deck G0 Z5 F1000; raise the head slightly to adoid hitting glass on the way back G90; switch back to absolute moves G0 X330 F6000 ;send to the purge tank Below is my "after side transitioning" Gcode in Canvas Slicer. G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 1 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 2 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 3 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 4 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 5 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 6 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 7 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 8 G0 X310 F6000 ;Wiper 9 G0 X330 F6000 ;Wiper 10 G0 X300 F6000 ;return back to bed to make sure it doesn't lower G91; switch to relitive moves to raise deck G0 Z-5 F1000; raise the head slightly to adoid hitting glass on the way back G90; switch back to absolute moves M211 S1; turn on software stops



