Jabe JBC Compact station mobile tray fume extractor firmware integration

Jabe JBC Compact station mobile tray fume extractor firmware integration


Mobile tray for Jabe UD-1200 and JBC-CD series, Be aware JBC owners,I don't have a JBC original to check compatibility right now. Features included: - 2 or 3 Drawer configuration, With lock. - Cord holder, like old oscilloscopes but better. - Arduino mount, to integrate custom functions and periphery control. - Non invasive mobile handle, 2 lengths for old JBC stations. During my professional career i been lots of time in the situation i need rework something is already installed on a large machine. and is more easy take the soldering iron to him than using a soldering workbench. And the are a brand who knows this fact and has one compact all propose soldering station. I do many reworks like that and every time i think " damn this thing needs a tray" Then some time after the original conception, and being owner of one Jabe on my home-shop i designed a tray to store the main tools for fast in-situ rework, Aswell i create an integration link to work with my over engineered fume extraction system. Can be assembled in 2 main configurations, 3 little drawers and 1+1 large and little drawer, if you soldering wire spool don't match whit the little drawers just change the configurations to have the large one. Arduino Mount: Last time i try configure a JBC 4 channels power unit to work whit the control of fume extractors i find their only can work whit the original JBC extractions units. This piss me off like nothing. Software includes lots of features about control and micromanagement of workers capabilities, and nothing about integration whit things outside JBC environment. It fells like Apple... Whatever i worked enough time whit JBC to know how internally works. and is expected the Chinese copy works in the same way. JBC/Jabe tool stand detection works using the handle as a ground and the stand himself as a pull/up. When the handle is out of stand a pull up maintains around 2/3V, when the handle is placed on the stand their ground drops signal to 0V. Is pretty easy to set up a probe on the Pull up line and read this voltage whit an Analog input of an Arduino. This Arduino at the same time controls a PWM 5V signal to manage a fan. In this setup i use a self managed fan, and only needs the 5V logic signal. If you want use a non managed fan just place a mosfet module between Arduino and Fan. Don't worry about currents, Read a signal whit an Arduino is an high impedance input and is near irrelevant, the same for the current output on the PWM management signal. My initial Workflow for this setup is easy: When i take the handle from the stand, Arduino detects and runs the fan at 50% PWM ( Whit my fan is enough 50%). It still running the fan at 50% until you return the handle to the stand, When this happens the PWM is reduced at 25% to suck the remains of fume directly from the stand. after a fixed time the fan stoop and wait until the next time handle is removed from stand. Firmware included on files, more circuits parts are on the fume assembly. This means When you take handle fume extractor starts, and after a fixed time after return the handle to the stand, fan stops himself. This Control System is not applicable to all kinds of stations out of JBC family, For example Ersa sleeping detection uses a timed system triggered when soldering don't have consumption peaks for long times. Fume extractor: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4315855 Why JBC - Jabe? On my opinion the are nothing like a JBC T-245 whit original cartridges. the are other brands using similar concept of cartridge. You will never know the difference if you don't work at the limit or spend 8 hours day soldering, but there are differences. The main benefit of the JBC architecture is they tip life time and the temperature control precision. -Please, don't buy a T-210 and use it as a regular one, i used to work whit 0402 resistor size whit the T-245 handle. Nano station and the T-210 are handles intended to be used whit microscopes on 0201 sizes and lower. Anyway JBC original station are 500 to 4000 bucks, Fortunately some smart Chinese company decides make a compatible station. it have the same main specs of a JBC-CD series, if you use original JBC cartridges this stations perform 90% like the original one. Most notable difference is the initial heating ramp, Jabe delivery some more power than JBC. There are others Chinese stations intended to use JBC cartridges , but is the form factor of this design what allows the real world mobility. I expect this design become useful for someone. comment if has issues to accommodate original JBC stations. https://youtu.be/-hbDJ7poAE8






