Rifleman Robot Soldier
It's a robot soldier! Different combinations are possible as the head fits all robot soldier bodies I have released and will be releasing in the future. As such, you can also replace the head in this kit with a head from a different robot soldier body! More robot soldiers can be found on [www.punkinfigs.com](https://www.punkinfigs.com/search/label/Modbot) This model is 28mm scale and requires supports. Raft recommended. If you like my work and want to see (and print) more of it, please consider supporting me on [Patreon](www.patreon.com/eswynn). I also have a number of miniatures available at my store at (www.punkinfigs.com), All of my 3D printable releases are printed before release to insure that they print well even on a low-end printer like my Ender 3.