Box Generator for Cricut, Laser, 3D printer or CNC

Box Generator for Cricut, Laser, 3D printer or CNC


This may or may not run with the Thingiverse Customizer. You may need to download a copy of Openscad and run it natively. I am using version 2018.01.06 (git 3473eb1) As it is, it will create your design ready for export as an STL file. This should be OK if you want to do this as a 3D print. However, you may also want to cut out the pieces using a CNC, Laser cutter or even a Cricut maker. To do that, un-comment out line 27 by removing the two slashes in front of the projection statement. //projection() Run the customizer to create your design, press F6 to render and then go to File=>Exoport=>Export as SVG This will create the SVG file that can be passed to your Cricut or entered into your Laser or CNC software to cut out the pieces. These are lidded boxes and have 20 pieces. This is because the box has 4 sides and a bottom and the lid has 4 sides and a top and then all surfaces are two layers thick. All of the pieces with cutouts are the exterior layers and all of the pieces that are sold are the interior pieces. I suggest you play around with the customizer and see what the controls do to your design. The default is a design meant to use most of a 6" X 24" piece of bass wood that is 1.5 mm thick. This can be cut by a Cricut maker with the knife blade installed. I recommend printing the exterior pieces in one color and the interior pieces in another. You may need to use other software such as inkscape or lightburn to manipulate the SVG components to fit your CNC, Laser or Cricut. Updated 2021-07-02 to fix bugs, add features and add the user manual.






