Modified Clock with Timer and Jeedom API
// Welcome to the Hidden clock hedge modified code from Thingiverse : // V1 original 24h code from : // V2 by C.Dijkstra on 26-07-2020 //- Downstrip automaticly on and off with ambiant light, step at 120 //- Downstrip led in white color //- Modification of the number 9 with 9 more leds // V2.2 by C.Dijkstra on 02-08-2020 //- Modification on the downstrip led ambiant code //- Minimum value on brightness to not have the clock flashing when ambiant light is to low // V3 by C.Dijkstra on 10/09/2020 // - !!! Hardware change !!!! => Now to use with a NodeMCU esp8266 // - Mode Love // - Add wifi controls, usable with Jeedom for exemple // - DS3231 no more needed because the time comes now from a UTP server (europe GMT +1 by default) // - Most of the infos and variables available on the COM monitor (wifi settings, clock mode or timer mode, time from the UTP server etc ...) // - This library is necessary for the Arduino IDE for the ESP8266 // // then install in the card manager the ESP8266 card by the 'ESP8266 Community' // then use a 'generic ESP8266 card' // then install in the code manager the NTPClient package by 'Fabrice Weinberg' // V3.1 by C.Dijkstra on 13-09-2020 // - Auto start of the timer when no more time id added in the last XX seconds // - Choose the mode of DownstripLEDs // - Change easily the color of hours and minutes in Arduino code // V4 by C.Dijkstra on 14-09-2020 // - Change easily the color of hours and minutes via API (Jeedom), replace #color# by the hexa code without the # // URL : http://IPOFYOURESP8266/api.html?cmd=color&val=#color# // V4.1 by C.Dijkstra on 19-09-2020 // - View inside and outside temperature with a new API // URL : http://IPOFYOURESP8266/api.html?cmd=temp&in=VALUE&out=VALUE // V4.2 by C.Dijkstra on 20-09-2020 // - Auto power on the clock if its off when activate timer or modeLove // - add the possibility to modify the color of the dowstrip led, code and API with : // URL : http://IPOFYOURESP8266/api.html?cmd=colordownstrip&val=#color# // V4.3 by C.Dijkstra on 25-10-2020 // - Modification of the code for the time change (winter time) // - Possibility to change the time server // V4.4 by C.Dijkstra on 22-11-2020 // - Add the possibility to increase the timer with a personal value // URL : http://IPOFYOURESP8266/api.html?cmd=setTimeTo&value=VALUE // V4.5 by C.Dijkstra on 28-03-2021 // - Add the possibility to change the time beetween summer and winter time (TRUE=ete FALSE=hiver) // URL : http://IPOFYOURESP8266/api.html?cmd=setHeureEte&value=VALUE //here are the differents controls that you have with the api, to use with Jeedom for exemple. //the page to activate the functions is available at http://IPOFYOURESP8266/api.html?cmd= //usable with the plugin 'script' in Jeedom. // getTime => give back the value of the timer // enableTimer => activate the timer function // disableTimer => desactivate and set the timer to 0 // setTime => activate the timer and add 1 min to the timer // setTimeTo => activate the timer and add the VALUE to the timer // raz => set the timer to 0 min and 0 sec and stop the timer if enabled // start => start the timer // stop => stop the timer // changeLight => enable or disable all the leds of the clock and hedge leds // lightON => enable all the leds of the clock and hedge leds // lightOFF => disable all the leds of the clock and hedge leds // modeLove => set the word LOVE (LOUE) on the clock in full pink color