VL53L0X TOF sensor mount for 1.5" ABS pipe

VL53L0X TOF sensor mount for 1.5" ABS pipe


This is my first purpose-built 3D model. I am forcing myself to learn freecad (despite hating its interface at the moment). I have included the freecad file for constructive criticism (and to perhaps help someone else get started with it too). The intention of this housing is to center a M5Stack U010 laser-beam from a Time of Flight (TOF) distance sensor in the middle of a 1 1/2" ABS pipe. If mounted properly, this will ensure the laser's beam reaches the bottom of the pipe and is well centered. The sensor I used is a M5Stack U010 which provides a very nicely packaged TOF sensor. At the time of writing, the sensor cost $9.84CAD [M5Stack U010](https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/M5Stack%20PDFs/U010_Web.pdf) I made this adapter so that I could monitor ground-water levels. By placing enough buoyant opaque plastic beads in the ABS pipe to form a "surface level" reference, a laser distance sensor can be used to monitor ground water levels with mm accuracy over a range of 30 to 2000mm. Included in this package (check the Files directory) is the Arduino source code which will take temperature (DS18B20 sensor) and water depth (VL53L0X sensor) readings and report them via SNMP. The code is very well documented and was written around an Adafruit Huzzah ESP8622 but could easily be adapted for other boards. My print settings were: <ul> <li>0.2mm layers <li>20% infill <li>205'C extruder & 60'C bed for PLA <li>support 10% density <li>x/y distance 4mm </ul>






