PTFE Tube Cutter Utility Blade

PTFE Tube Cutter Utility Blade


A rework of Cutter for 4mm and 3mm PTFE by CyberDeck Modified to use utility blades (something I had plenty of) Edit: 9-16-2020 Added a 2.5mm allen wrench holder to change blades Edit: 9-18-2020 Added version with blade on a 9.5 degree angle for getting straighter cuts. here is the thing with all these double beveled blades, the beveled edge causes the blade to walk as it cuts, you will never get a true square cut with a double beveled blade. a single beveled blade is cost a lot more because there specialty blades when you find one. Tip: when using , as you lightly press down on the cutter turn your tubing and your cut will be much straighter. No support was needed when printing these parts Except the Angled top needs support or a raft . Remember to flip blade holding part with open side up when printing.







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