The Four Elements

The Four Elements


WOW! This took off like crazy! Thank you guys so much for uploading your designs and showering this with likes and collects, it inspires me to create more! If you like this free design, you can check out my premium Cults designs under the username xYeezySZN ====== FAQ 4/13/21 ====== 1.) Please check out FuseFactory's cleaner redux of this design here: 2.) A lot of you are asking if you can sell these. Please note the license I used to upload these: NON-COMMERCIAL. I did not design this set originally (I did however spend 5+ hours creating the .STL files for them) and there are multiple people already selling this design on Etsy. I personally do not care if you sell them but you do so at your own risk of a copyright infringement lawsuit from the original designer, of which I am in no way responsible for. This is the reason I uploaded as NON-COMMERCIAL. 3.) I rendered these in Photoshop which lacks the ability to export as a STEP file. If you want to mess with them, please feel free to upload to TinkerCAD and do so there - and don't forget to post your remix! ====== UPDATE 9/24/20 ===== If you are one of the ~2,000 people that downloaded this set before 9/24, please note I have uploaded a fix for the water element and deleted the old Element 1 - Water.stl file. Download the "Element - 1 - Water - Version 2.0 Fixed.stl" file for the fix. ========================== A friend of mine shared an etsy link with me and said "Can you print this?" and I said... well let's try. Here we are. The elements are in 4 different .stl files, if you follow my instructions each part will take 6-10 hours but you can easily turn up the layer height and speed if you want to pump these out faster. ==========================







2D Art