PS4 & xBox AFK Tool

PS4 & xBox AFK Tool


My son was looking for an AFK tool for his controllers. I looked on here (and a few other places), and found a couple for the PS4 controllers, but none for the xBox (due to the distance between the analog sticks). This will work for both, as it doesn't rely on a specific distance between the analog stick you are wanting to hold, and another. Simply place under the top of the stick, flat side up, and wedge the notch which sticks down between the body of the controller and the stick. This will hold the tool in place, and the stick off to the side (in whatever direction you need/want). File added: "Notched" file added for use with analog thumbstick covers/caps. Allows use of AFK tool when standard thumbstick caps are in use, without having to remove the caps. A notch has been removed that allows it to be placed under the thumbstick where one of the tabs is that holds the cap on.







Video Games