Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion Palisades
My wife and I are getting ready to start Jaws of the Lion, but I realized that the first scenario (and a few thereafter) has a cool set of palisades that I had no overlay for... so I made one! I quickly flipped through the scenario book and it looks to me like you'll want to print 2 of the larger one, and 2 of the 1-hex one. I only saw two scenarios that *need* palisades (the first that needs 2 of the 2-hex wide ones, and a later one that needs 3 hexes of palisade), but another scenario had a bunch of broken down boxes that looked like they were being used as an improvised palisade, so I figure that I'll use these in that scenario, too. That one will need all 4 of the pieces that I mentioned. This should print without any supports; I did mine on a Prusa MK3 with a .25 mm nozzle and am very please with the results. Also, they're quite sharp and I expect they'd make excellent caltrops, so don't leave them on the ground where someone might accidentally step on them! As always, the .blend file and pre-supported .3mf (including the one that I used to print this on my Prusa MK3, although the support points should work for SLA printers) for this model are available to my patrons at If you appreciate my work and have a few dollars to spare each month, please consider joining!