MPSM V2 switched display and encoder

MPSM V2 switched display and encoder


If you also mind that the rotary knob is under the bed, you should invest half an hour of your time ... Tools: - Phillips - Allen key 2 - Blade & torch alternatively small saw - Soldering iron and some wire - Chisel or alternative, mpCNC works too Unscrew the bottom, 6 screws cross Remove the connector from the display Remove 4 Allen keys on the front At the rotary encoder 4 cross out Carefully pull off the rotary encoder, tighten the rotary knob Loosen 2 more crosses, take out the inner shell knob Carefully lift off the front with the spatula supplied, double-sided in the middle above / below, the rear part is also attached with double-sided, careful not to let anything break. 6 mm inside for signs see pictures and remove with a chisel for the display inside on the front panel Use the blade and burner to make space on the holder for the cables Assemble in reverse order after the cable from the encoder has been extended by at least 4cm ... Have fun recreating it. Attention, there are housings that have no recess





