Epic 6mm Squat Infantry

Epic 6mm Squat Infantry


The Squats 6mm Infantry, for Epic 40k. Comes with: Squat Berzerker / Berserker Squat Guild Banner Bearer Squat Gunner Squat Hearthguard Squat Thunderer 1 Squat Thunderer 2 Squat Warrior 1 (pose added for additional variation) Squat Warrior 2 (original pose) . Disclaimer: I don't actually own any one of the original squats (I'm much too young), nor do I have the dimensions, so it was made by comparing photos of armies and making them smaller than existing marines, and slightly below and stockier than existing orks, while still printable (see reference colour photos from tinkercad) . Disclaimer2: This is only to be used as a proxy until such time as games workshop starts making epic sized models again :3 . Made from scratch in tinkercad, based on reference photos online of poses . I've printed this on an fdm machine (0.4mm nozzle, 0.175mm layer height, 20% infill, brim, 3 walls), it printed well, and I'm in the process of glueing and painting. There IS additional details if you can get a resin machine to print them, but they're entirely printable with fdm minus the couple extra details ^v^ .



