BLtouch Mount Extension for HyperCubeXY

BLtouch Mount Extension for HyperCubeXY


After experimenting for some time with the TriColor Diamond hotend on my HyperCubeXY, I wanted to try the "NF-Crazy Hotend with BMG Extruder". Seemed like a optimum occasion to try the BLtouch probe too. As a basis I used: Titan Aero head mount for Hypercube Evolution + Addons by Asphyth The original Titan Aero mount was facing the wrong way for my setup, so I mirrored it. That worked fine. Then I tried to mount the BLtouch probe directly on this mount, nice and close to the extruder. But that left the height-difference between the nozzle-tip and the probe housing 2 millimeters shorter than recommended by AntClabs. So I mirrored the BLtouch mount too and extended it using the original design dimensions. Had to tweak those a bit for an almost perfect fit (not visible on the print).



