Cannon missile launcher and rail gun set

Cannon missile launcher and rail gun set


This set is for 4 defensive gun types suitable for 28mm wargaming such as warhammer etc. This set includes the following models 1 Artillery cannon 1 Rail Gun 1 Gothic themed missile launcher 1 standard Missile launcher 4 base styles The Artillery cannon and rail guns can be printed without any supports. The missile launchers may need supports for the internal areas where the circular pins go depending on your printers ability. All 4 gun designs allow you to set the angle of the weapon and can rotate on the stand The bases come in 4 options (2 of each style with and without feet) Base without feet has feet printed separately then pushed up through the hole in the legs so the base can be raised off the ground. All models have been set to their optimal printing orientation and each part is designed in such a way that either no supports are required when printing or supports are in areas not visible once the model is assembled to ensure you get a better finish.







Toys & Games