LTT Insulated Water Bottle (40oz) Cup Holder Adapter
So you have your new beautiful LTT Insulated Water Bottle (40oz) and your are gearing up for your next hike or just taking it on the road trip but it just does not fit in your cup holders. ARRGHH! But, now a word from our sponser.... (jk Linus). Well, look no further! This adapter will help you to secure your new bottle in your car's cup holder. ##Recommended Material: PETG or ABS## Why: The inside of your car will get hot in the summer! Using PLA or other lower temperature filament will warp in the hot sun. However, you are welcome to try PLA if you like, but I speak from experience with my test prints (in PLA). Features: - Adapts your bottle to a standard cup holder - A drainage hole in the middle for easy cleaning - Drainage hole also acts to save on material during printing Discloser: Not affiliated with and/or partnered with Linus Tech Tip. Just a hobbyist and wanted to share my first ever design.