Raspberry Pi4 Mini 7inch Display with Stand
This is a custom case I made for the Raspberry Pi4 SBC. This is the 3rd revision of this case and may get further updates to make it more aesthetically pleasing. The display takes a Non-Offical display, generic 7inch LCD Display with ribbon cable. There is a cutout inside the case to route the cable from the display to the Pi Hat. There is room to install a 40mm fan for cooling, and room for a small Hat system. Let me know what you think, and if there is anything that could be improved, changed, added, etc. This is my first release after 3 prototypes, and would greatly appreciate the feedback I work hard at making designs and prints, they are provided free of charge. However, if you would like to help support my work feel free to make a donation <a href="https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=XGRO8ycjeCqnQ92KlTuvO36LU7ZA17rJIgJ3l7ww1VbDC5g3p4xRh49ZOtfjNsBLP2FI9T9NCrbeVOr7"><b>Here</b></a>. Current Version: 3.0.1