CTC Replicator Filament Guide

CTC Replicator Filament Guide


The CTC Replicator Dual from factory includes two black tubes to be used as clip-on filament guides, which can loosen and fall down and cause issues with your extruder's ability to dispense filament smoothly. This creation is to replace the clips/zip ties/etc that hold the tubes, allowing for a stronger and more elegant filament guide holder. It also includes the tube clips that are printed and pushed onto either end of the filament tube to hold it, while still allowing it to move side-to-side. Print the main part, and four (x4) cable clips. Works fantastically. You use the existing nut and bolts from the old center cable clip/holder. Please feel free to post a build up, or give comments/suggestions so that I can make this the best it can be.



